
Online links
Classic Texts
Dōgen Zenji
(道元禅師), 1200-1253.
Founder of the Sōtō sect of Zen in
Kuoan Shiyuan (廓庵師遠),
12th century Chinese Chan (Zen) master.
[The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana, or
Awakening of Mahayana Faith,
— Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa.
Translated by Yoshito S. Hakedas. The text
although brief provides a comprehensive summary
of the essentials of Mahayana Buddhism.
Śantideva (Shantideva), 8th century Indian
Buddhist scholar at Nalanda University.
Shinran (亲鸾 or 親鸞),
1173-1262. Founder of the Jōdo Shin (True
Pure Land) sect in Japan.
Collected Works of Shinran (work in
— Translations, introductions,
glossaries, and reading aids for Shinran's
works by Dennis Hirota (Head Translator),
Hisao Inagaki, Michio Tokunaga, and Ryushin
Modern Writings/Recordings
Alfred Bloom, 1926-
—Educator and Jodo Shinshu priest who
has pioneered Jodo Shinshu studies in the
English-speaking world.
Bhikkhu Bodhi, 1944-
—Monk and scholar in the tradition of
Sri Lankan Theravada Buddhism.
Ajahn Brahmavamso Mahathera , Ajahn Brahm (Peter
Betts), 1951-
—Monk in the Thai Theravada tradition
Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, 1906-1993
—Monk in the Thai Theravada tradition
Pema Chödrön (Deirdre Blomfield-Brown),
ca. 1936-
—Nun in the Tibetan Vajrayana tradition
Hsing Yun 星雲大師,
—Monk and scholar in the tradition of
Chinese Mahayana Buddhism. Buddha's Light
Publishing's "Buddhism in Every Step English
Booklets" contain educational material on all
aspects of Buddhism (PDF files).
Ayya Khema, 1923-1997
—Nun in the Theravada tradition
Jack Kornfield, 1945-
—Meditation teacher and co-founder of
the Insight Meditation Society.
Ven. Ajahn Chah Subhatto (Chao Khun
Bodhinyanathera), 1918-1992
—Monk and teacher in the Thai Forest
tradition of Theravada.
Ajahn Sumedho (Robert Jackman), 1934-
—Monk in the Thai Theravada tradition
Ajahn Sundara, 1946-
—Nun in the Thai Forest Tradition of
Vishvapani (Simon Blomfield)
—Freelance writer and editor whose
articles, reviews, and broadcasts deal with
Buddhism and the modern world.
the Buddha Taught
—Large collection of online texts by
teachers and monks in the Theravada tradition.
Web Sites of Interest
to Insight: Readings in Theravada
—"Web site dedicated to providing
accurate, reliable, and useful information
concerning the practice and study of Theravada
Buddhism, as it has been handed down to us
through both the written word of the Pali canon
and the living example of the Sangha"--About
American Buddhist Congress (ABC)
—promotes development of an American
eBook Library (Buddha Dharma Education
Association Inc., Australia):
—Collection of books in PDF format by
writers such as Hsin Yun, Yin Shun, Ven.
Thanissaro, Bhikkhu, and others.
Channel (BC), Based in Kuala Lumpur,
— Dedicated Buddhist news services,
providing daily updates and in-depth coverage,
with a "non-sectarian" emphasis of the news
coverage, features, and reviews.
—Web site of the Insight Meditation
Society and the Barre Center for Buddhist
Studies, Massachusetts-based organizations
teaching vipassana meditation.
Dharma: Buddhism in America
— Web site "for anyone and everyone
interested in Buddhism. ... original articles and
essays on Buddhism and archive related articles
by a variety of authors in a multi-yana
way"--About page.
Buddhist Meditation
— Web site devoted to various
meditation techniques, courses and meditation
supplies are for pay.