Home > Art Collections > Chinese Calligraphy > Chang Qinghai 常清海
Chang Qinghai 常清海.Chang Qinghai's pieces illustrate the Wei tablets style of calligraphy—especially the first two couplets. This style is based on the standard style but is characterized by a chiseled quality. Chang lengthens the vertical strokes, which are often thin, and contrasts these with the heavier horizontal strokes in his own interpretation of this style. |
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Creator.Personal Name: 常清海. Creator.Personal Name: Chang Qinghai. Creator.Role: calligrapher. Title: [Couplet] Description: hanging scroll; ink on paper (wei bei script); inscribed and signed by artist; two seals. Date.Created: 2002. Type: Calligraphy--Chinese--2002. Type: Scroll (Visual work)--Chinese. Style.Period: Contemporary. Culture: Chinese. Material.Medium: ink. Material.Support: paper. Measurements: 21 x 38 in. Location.Current Repository: private collection, C. J. Campbell (Chicago, Ill.) Rights: C. J. Campbell. Record Type: work. |
Signature:![]() |
Seals:![]() ![]() |
Translation: You can hear the pine far away when it is silent, The stream is so lovely in autumn. |
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Creator.Personal Name: 常清海. Creator.Personal Name: Chang Qinghai. Creator.Role: calligrapher. Title: [Couplet] Description: hanging scroll; ink on paper (wei bei script); inscribed and signed by artist; two seals. Date.Created: 2002. Type: Calligraphy--Chinese--2002. Type: Scroll (Visual work)--Chinese. Style.Period: Contemporary. Culture: Chinese. Material.Medium: ink. Material.Support: paper. Measurements: 21 x 38 in. Location.Current Repository: private collection, C. J. Campbell (Chicago, Ill.) Rights: C. J. Campbell. Record Type: work. |
Translation: Ancient pines show the style of some gentlemen, They write feelings with brushes and ink |
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Creator.Personal Name: 常清海. Creator.Personal Name: Chang Qinghai. Creator.Role: calligrapher. Title: [Poem by Li Bai] Description: hanging scroll; ink on paper (wei bei script); inscribed and signed by artist; two seals. Date.Created: 2002. Type: Calligraphy--Chinese--2002. Type: Scroll (Visual work)--Chinese. Style.Period: Contemporary. Culture: Chinese. Material.Medium: ink. Material.Support: paper. Measurements: 21 x 38 in. Location.Current Repository: private collection, C. J. Campbell (Chicago, Ill.) Rights: C. J. Campbell. Record Type: work. |
Translation of "Leaving White King City," a poem by
Li Bai—a.k.a. Li Po, Li T'ai Po—701-762
C.E., Tang Dynasty: White King City I left at dawn in the morning-glow of the clouds; The thousand miles to Chiang-ling we sailed in a single day. On either shore the gibbons' chatter sounded without pause While my light boat skimmed past ten thousand sombre crags. |
Chinese text: 朝辞白帝彩云间 千里江陵一日还 两岸猿声啼不住 轻舟已过万重山 |
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Creator.Personal Name: 常清海. Creator.Personal Name: Chang Qinghai. Creator.Role: calligrapher. Title: [Poem by Wang Wei] Description: hanging scroll; ink on paper (wei bei script); inscribed and signed by artist; two seals. Date.Created: 2002. Type: Calligraphy--Chinese. Type: Scroll (Visual work)--Chinese. Style.Period: Contemporary. Culture: Chinese. Material.Medium: ink. Material.Support: paper. Measurements: 21 x 38 in. Location.Current Repository: private collection, C. J. Campbell (Chicago, Ill.) Rights: C. J. Campbell. Record Type: work. |
Translation of a Poem by Wang Wei (701-761 C.E., Tang
Dynasty): I did not know the incense storing temple, I walked a few miles into the clouded peaks. No man on the path between the ancient trees, A bell rang somewhere deep among the hills. A spring sounded choked, running down steep rocks, The green pines chilled the sunlight's coloured rays. Come dusk, at the bend of a deserted pool, Through meditation I controlled passion's dragon. |
Chinese text: 不知香积寺 数里入云峰 古木无人径 深山何处钟 泉声咽危石 日色冷青松 薄暮空潭曲 安禅制毒龙 |
Chinese Calligraphy |