Home > Art Collections > Japanese Calligraphy > Kusanagi Zenkō 草剪全弘

Kusanagi Zenkō 草剪全弘.

Kusanagi_Harmony (85K) Creator.Personal Name: 草剪全弘.
Creator.Personal Name: Kusanagi Zenkō*.
Creator.Role: calligrapher
Title: わ [和 wa = harmony]
Description: hanging scroll; ink on paper; hiragana script ; signed by the artist; two artist's seal; name based on the seal below the signature.
Type: Calligraphy—Japanese.
Type: Scroll (Visual work)—Japanese.
Culture: Japanese.
Style.Period: Modern.
Technique: painting.
Material.Medium: ink.
Material.Support: paper.
Measurements: 22.9 by 38.6 in.
Location.Current Repository: private collection, C. J. Campbell (Chicago, Ill.)
Rights: C. J. Campbell.
Record Type: work.

* Alternatively the given name can be read as Takahiro.
Kusanagi_Harmony_detail (59K)
Signature and seal:
Kusanagi_Harmony_sig_seal (52K)

Japanese Calligraphy