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Japanese Calligraphy (shodo 書道) |
Japanese calligraphy is considered not just "beautiful handwriting" but also an art that is appreciated primarily for its aesthetic qualities. For examples of the various sripts used see Styles of Japanese Calligraphy. For more general information see Suggested Readings. In all cases the metadata describes the original work, not the digital reproduction. |
Calligraphers: Daiji 太慈. Gōzan Sōchū 剛山宗忠, 1943- Hakō 葩光. Hoyo Yudo 芳譽柘堂 Hakusan 白山 Hekijo 碧城 Hosoda Toyoaki 細田豊明. Issen 一泉 Kanazawa H. Keihō 溪峰. Keika 溪花 Kitagawara Kōten 北河原公典 Kusanagi Zenkō 草剪全弘 Kyōdō Sōiku 教道 宗育 Maniwa Nobuzō 馬庭信蔵. Martinez, Esteban. Matsukage 松影 Mochizuki Syura 望月秋羅, 1920- Nagaizumi Takamichi 長泉琢道. Noritani Bunga 法谷文雅, 1931- Ozeki Sōen 尾関宗園, 1932- Seiko. Seizan 靜山. Shimizu Kōshō 清水公照, 1911-1999. Soheki 竹壁. Suga Gendō 須賀玄道, 1919-2005. Sutō Eishin 周藤英真 Takeda Ichirō 健田一郎. Ueshima Wafū 上嶋和風, 1904-1979 Unidentified Calligraphers Unrei (雲嶺?) Yūmi 悠光. Yuzen 惟仙. Zuitō 翠涛 |