Home > Art Collections > Traditional Japanese Painting > Adachi Taidō

Adachi Taidō 足立泰道, 1937-

Adachi Taido was born in Toyooka in 1937. In 1956, he became a pupil of Kyuko Roshi at Kokeizo-do in Mino. In 1975, he became the chief priest of Untaku-ji.

Adachi_Taido_moon&autumnflowers (173K) Creator.Personal Name: 足立泰道, 1937-
Creator.Personal Name: Adachi Taidō, 1937-
Creator.Role: painter
Description: hanging scroll; colored ink on paper; four artist's seals.
Subject: Flowers.
Subject: Moon.
Type: Scroll (Visual work)--Japanese.
Type: Genre paintings--Japanese.
Type: Watercolors--Japanese.
Culture: Japanese.
Style.Period: Modern.
Technique: painting.
Material.Medium: ink.
Material.Support: paper.
Measurements: 22.5 in. x 46.8 in.
Location.Current Repository: private collection, C. J. Campbell (Chicago, Ill.)
Rights: C. J. Campbell.
Record Type: work.
Adachi_Taido_moon&autumnflowers_seal (195K)
Signature & seal within painting:
Adachi_Taido_moon&autumnflowers_sig&seal (85K)
Colophon lower seals:
Adachi_Taido_moon&autumnflowers_colophon_lowerseals (194K)
Adachi_Taido_moon&autumnflowers_tomobako (116K)

Japanese Painting